One Piece Luffy and Chopper Drawings

Konnichiwa( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Last night, I drew Chopper and Luffy from One Piece ^^:

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I have never watched the anime because it’s such a long series (ノ^∇^) but these two are so cute I have to draw them. (*^▽^*) This is a tribute to One Piece in view of McDonald’s release of One Piece collectibles. (*‿*✿) This week’s is Robin and Zoro~

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If you follow my instagram, you would have seen me playing with them XD Collecting these toys can be so fun and exciting~ though you may say it just took up more space in my overly cluttered room… ≖‿≖ In the meantime, I will be waiting to collect Chopper and Luffy(*´▽`*)